Category: Travel Ideas

Cannot Travel? No Downside, These Netflix Reveals Are Excellent For Any Armchair Traveller

Travel IdeasFor some people, being instructed to remain home all day can disrupt meal routines and add to the challenge of coronary heart-wholesome eating. W marcu, gdy skończyła mi się sesja (pierwsza sesja pierwszy rok), na wydział podbiło parę osób z propozycją pracy w USA. Mieli broszury, plakietki. Uznałem że czemu nie, pójdę na miting, co skisnę to moje. Minęło parę miesięcy i pod koniec maja pakowałem się na wylot ( ͡º ͜ʖ͡º) Ogólnie to praca miała polegać na tym, że będę sobie sprzedawał ksiązki od Southwestern Advantage od drzwi do drzwi. Takie zwykłe książki dla dzieci, z obrazkami, szkolne itd. Generalnie w zestawach po od 150 do seven hundred dolców jeden. Tak więc najpierw mieliśmy szkołę z coachingiem, takie brednie opuszczaniu strefy komfortu, pracą nad sobą, dawania wszystkiego z siebie itd. Tak więc wyprali nam mózgi.

4. Dowiedz się, czym jest syndrom Kaduceusza” i jakie może mieć konsekwencje w przypadku # python , według badania przeprowadzonego przez StackOverflow drugiego z najbardziej uwielbianych języków na świecie, który bardzo dynamicznie rośnie dzięki zaangażowanej społeczności.

Mnie ta gra wciągnęła bo spodziewałam się jakiejś tajemniczej historii. Jak się okazało, że Abby chodziło tylko to, że Joel zabił jej ojca to byłam trochę rozczarowana. Niby to ma sens, ale wiemy z części pierwszej, że było wielu odpornych pacjentów którzy nie przeżyli, a szczepionka nie powstała, a mimo to tatuś postanowił zamordować kolejne nieświadome dziecko, więc taki niewinny to on nie był. A Abby nie jest głupia by tego nie rozumieć. Poza tym ja lekarzy nie zamordowałam tylko postrzeliłam w nogę ;).

On the subject of nicely-identified spots like India, you need to maintain being precautious. There are a few individuals who exploit the brand new vacationer. There are a number of occasions wherein vacationers get an encounter of robbery and aura There should be a measure of security that may show you how to with conserving these unimportant robberies and totally different wrongdoings. In case you are getting paperwork achieved for an skilled sport that may be disturbed and trigger a number of wears then it’s desirable to take assent and try this underneath master path. The defending is likewise undependable for the individuals who don’t fare thee well.

Once I informed Mkaza about the girl on the Facebook page who mentioned she felt humbled” having to fret about water, she simply laughed. She said her mom’s neighbors, who might rarely afford the $three it takes to hop a minibus taxi into the town, had been unaware of richer Capetonians’ efforts: They assume affluent individuals are upset, and like, ‘Oh my God, I’m not going to be able to swim?’” And she or he fearful that if things actually got out of control, middle- and upper-class individuals would still have extra choices than the poor have: to drill a borehole, to move away.…

Profit Artwork Organization Empowers Orphan Kids In India Via Charity Program

Travel IdeasIndia, a spot where folks cannot determine to embark a self-drive holiday. Dla Banggood przesyłką zmniejszającą szansę na VAT jest Precedence Direct Mail (PDM) oraz EU Precedence Line. W Gearbest przesyłką omijającą VAT jest Precedence Line. Pozostałe rodzaje przesyłek nie zmniejszają szansy na VAT, ale lepiej wziąć przesyłkę rejestrowaną (registered air mail. Myślę, że najlepiej wybrać Belgium Registered, potem Europe Registered, na końcu PostNL.) niż nierejestrowaną, która czasami może iść bardzo długo (oczywiście rejestrowana też może tak długo isć). Jeśli minie 60 dni, a paczki dalej nie mamy, to należy napisać do Gearbesta. Warto w razie czego nagrywac odpakowywanie (unboxing) paczki.

Soon, she was speaking to FBI agents, who, she mentioned, told her they’d by no means seen such venom directed at a politician. They found that her contact information had been posted on The Daily Stormer, the most popular white nationalist site within the nation and the online barracks for an army of alt-proper trolls. There, readers can access information filtered via a racist lens, alongside pictures of blacks being burned alive and doctored GIFs of Taylor Swift curbstomping folks. And Schrode wasn’t the Stormer’s first target. In April, the publication had sicced its military on Julia Ioffe, a Huffington Post contributor, after she wrote a profile of Melania Trump for GQ. Along with scores of anti-Semitic emails and images, Ioffe obtained calls purportedly from an overnight casket company and a homicide cleanup crew.

9. For those who plan to remain someplace overnight before touring the next day, pack every little thing you want for the evening in a single bag. That manner when you get to the resort you do not have to unload the whole car. I buy the largest Ziploc baggage I can discover and put my children’s clothes in them and write their identify on it. Then I only take what is needed.

The Zoo is the unique vacationer vacation spot, clean and highly maintained zoo allows animals to roam free as they roam within the jungle. Right here visitors get an opportunity to mingle with a creature without any seen barrier, to dine with wildlife, watch performances of lions offers surprising experiences, especially to the children.

Have you ever traveled with youngsters? Traveling with kids could be a very gratifying trip or it may be a go to by way of the land of madness. Every father or mother searches high and low for the best kids journey suggestions previous to heading out across the good unknown with their darling youngsters in tow. The fixed banter of arguments in the back seat, one sibling repeatedly touching the other or the other siblings invading the “invisible line” of the opposite siblings aspect of the automobile, can proceed till the mum or dad’s eyes need to cross.…

American Electoral

Travel IdeasLike many different families, our family takes various highway trips each year. Mój rodziciel “podpisał” przez telefon umowę na usługi reklamowe w sieci. Czyli publikacje artykułów wyplutych z Google translate, filmu promującego na YouTubie w postaci zlepków losowych zdjęć i napisów ukradzionych ze strony internetowej, założenie FB ( dubla ), wizytówkę na stronach zombie oraz rozesłanie spamu do 5k losowych adresów e-mail. Zero gwarancji skuteczności w umowie, praw własności, a za przekazanie profilu FB trzeba płacić. Każdy materiał jest wyjątkowo amatorski i żenujący. W sumie 5k PLN wyrzucone w błoto.

Particularly if you happen to’re in Cajamarca! As we explained in our earlier article, Carnival in Cajamarca can typically be mistaken for a battlefield. Travelers must be cautious of oncoming water balloons and the much more potent, paint-stuffed balloons. By carrying white, you robotically turn out to be a better goal. It is going to be sizzling in February however sporting black or camouflage clothes may be worth it for this weekend.

It will possibly generally be very troublesome traveling along with your dog. You will have to plan correctly or your trip might end up being ruined. There are some things you’ll need to remember. This text offers you six vital tips for touring together with your canine.

Ideally, the salon will stagger appointments to limit how many individuals are in the facility on the similar time. You might ask in regards to the salon’s disinfecting practices. Is the employees regularly wiping down high-contact surfaces? Are chairs and headrests disinfected after they’re used? Is the employees sporting material face coverings and recurrently washing their fingers? Are they sporting single-use gloves for nail and facial work? Additionally, look for touchless cost choices.

Think about the dangers associated with various kinds of journey. There is perhaps a danger of getting the COVID-19 virus on a crowded flight if different vacationers on board are contaminated. On a bus or practice, sitting or standing inside 6 feet (2 meters) of others for a protracted interval can put you at risk of getting or spreading the COVID-19 virus. Touring by car or recreational vehicle often entails stops that would put you in close contact with infected folks.…

Articles, Tagged With “Dedication”

Travel IdeasIndia, a place the place individuals cannot determine to embark a self-drive holiday. This month we have now targeted on celebrating Carnival in Rio de Janeiro and Cajamarca, both wonderful destinations to have fun the festivities. We at LAFL have put collectively some important suggestions for every traveler to remember whereas they plan their Carnival trip.

I first met Goldberg one weekday last summer season, within the hospital lobby. I had organized to remain and observe for twenty-four hours, accompanied each moment by Walter, who carried a trauma pager and a yellow folder of consent forms. The rule was that I might observe a surgery if the patient or a family member consented, and if I wished to do an interview, the affected person needed to sign a type. Goldberg is 5 ft 2 inches tall, with a runner’s build. She wore a gray mock-turtleneck sweater with no sleeves. Her hair is short and there was a bit of gel in it that made it spiky. She explained that there are two major classes of trauma: blunt and penetrating. Blunt trauma is like a beating, a fall. Penetrating is a gun or stab wound. Sadly we get a whole lot of penetrating traumas,” she said. Temple sees 2,500 to three,000 traumas per year, around 450 of which were gunshot wounds in 2016.

In South Africa, usually, the rich life-style has been thought of essentially the most worthwhile lifestyle. This is likely one of the nation’s enduring wounds. But the drought has liberated folks, at occasions, to acknowledge a wider vary of helpful behaviors and types of knowledge—newbie information in addition to knowledgeable, non-white” knowledge as well as Western. One upper-class Capetonian informed me he realized find out how to create his DIY rainwater-harvesting system by watching a YouTube video uploaded by an aged man on the Cape Flats. Palesa Morudu, a black Capetonian who publishes fiction for youngsters in the townships, recalled listening to one other black Capetonian on the radio say he felt satisfied that wealthy folks now appeared to respect parts of his so-known as poor” way of life as truly more economical and ecologically sound than the way they had been dwelling.

In commerce, you will meet conventional models. Unlike gardening tools, they have wide and stiff backs. They’re devoted to activities like fishing, lunch moments with family or pals round a thoughtful desk or enjoyable on the beach. The reference is often foldable in two. Others are just about detachable and carry in specific bags.

W nawiÄ…zaniu do pro-genderowskiej książki recenzowanej przez ‚Nature’ pan Larry Cahill napisaÅ‚, że to jest jakaÅ› farsa, rzeka bÅ‚Ä™dów! Å»e jej autorzy zlekcewazyli ogromne Å›wiadectwo empiryczne w postaci wyników badaÅ„ nad zwierzÄ™tami – nad mózgami ssaków. DotyczyÅ‚y one różnic u pÅ‚ci podczas zabaw, reakcji na porażkÄ™ spoÅ‚ecznÄ… czy podczas podejmowania ryzyka – a to tylko trzy przykÅ‚ady z wielu. Larry Cahill przytacza też wiele poważnych prac naukowych, które zostaÅ‚y pominiÄ™te lub caÅ‚kowicie zignorowane przez autorów książki. Daje na nie namiary, wiele …

12 Ideas For Renting An RV

Travel IdeasFor some people, being informed to stay dwelling all day can disrupt meal routines and add to the challenge of coronary heart-healthy eating. I used to take one of those moveable ice coolers (Eskys we name them in Australia) to each camping journey. Whereas it labored well, as soon as the ice melted it was recreation over! Enter the car fridge. This is a recreation changing addition to your camping gear. A powered “automotive fridge” has fully revolutionised my camping, no extra wet meat, no extra warm beer. You’ll need to make some modifications to your automobile to allow a automotive fridge to run all day and evening, nevertheless you’ll quickly forget about that once you crack open that chilly cold beer.

A great listing. I took a Grand Canyon Helicopter tour and beloved it. Las Vegas is one among my all-time favorite destinations. And Saint George, Utah? Well, my experiences there have not been so sizzling-had car bother there more than once, but it’s part of my backlog of memories and I still look again on the place with fondness.

Almost inevitably, months into their correspondence, Motto discovered himself falling for Ryan. He tried to broach the topic of a deeper relationship: Why in hell don’t we get it off our chests as a substitute of remaining so painfully noncommittal?” However her response is lost to history. All that is identified is that they continued writing each other, that Motto told his household several instances about a lady in Arkansas (a mighty potent morale builder”) who was marking time” till he received back—and that although they flirted with the concept of a reunion, Jerome Motto would die in 2015, more than 60 years later, by no means having seen her again.

Z innych ciekawostek, które mogą mieć znaczenie dla inwestorów Tesli jest to, że Lucid zapowiedziało, że jest chętne do współpracy z innymi producentami aut i jest w stanie im udostępnić na licencji swoje jednostki napędowe. Może to pozwolić się narodzić jeszcze kilku innym konkurentom na rynku.

Na poczÄ…tku sierpnia ukazaÅ‚a siÄ™ praca teoretyczna Matta Caplana z Illinois State College, w której stara siÄ™ obliczyć jak bÄ™dzie przebiegaÅ‚a ewolucja gwiazd masÄ… zbliżonych do SÅ‚oÅ„ca, stanowiÄ…cych okay. 1% wszystkich znanych gwiazd. Generalnie, wiadomo nie od dziÅ›, że SÅ‚oÅ„ce i gwiazdy jemu podobne w koÅ„cu stanÄ… siÄ™ biaÅ‚ymi karÅ‚ami (Subramanyan Chandrasekhar dostaÅ‚ za to w 1983 r. NagrodÄ™ Nobla – swojÄ… drogÄ… za teoriÄ™ z 1928 r.). Spekuluje siÄ™ jednak, że mogÄ… one wyewoluować do formy czarnego karÅ‚a – hipotetycznego obiektu, który powstaje po “wystygniÄ™ciu” biaÅ‚ego karÅ‚a. Drawback polega jednak na tym, że czas stygniÄ™cia biaÅ‚ego karÅ‚a może wynosić nawet od 10^15 do 10^25 lat czyli wiÄ™cej niż aktualny wiek wszechÅ›wiata.…

Scrumptious Wholesome Dinner Ideas That Will Truly Fill You Up

Travel IdeasWe India-Tours are an inbound journey company based mostly in New Delhi. Simply over 50 Nice Andamanese folks survive right this moment and reside on the tiny Strait Island where the Indian authorities looks after their meals and shelter. I like Grand Canyon very i hope to go to her one day. Additionally welcome all of you to China.

The typical celebration for a baby shower always consists of a huge banner within the residence which shouts out congratulations to the soon-to-be mother. Apart from that, the one factor that you would love to have, are a couple of child bathe balloons. These balloons have several little congratulatory and cute messages written on them. Usually, you’ll go for the readymade balloons that shout “Congratulations” or possibly “We’re Thrilled for You”, but if this occasion is for anyone real special and you’ve got the time for it, you will get customized messages printed on the balloons. These balloons look great as decorations, as they add colour and fun to the celebration. Child shower balloons are an ideal solution to usher in the new bundle of joy within the life of your pricey one.

Traveling is one of the most wonderful experiences that anyone might have. It’s wonderful how many completely different locations and cultures exist in the world that many individuals by no means get to expertise. Taking trip for a trip is an effective way to relax and unwind and to see new and exciting locations. While many take into account travel to be an unattainable expense, in reality there are various very low-cost travel web sites where you will get actually nice deals.

Ideally, the salon will stagger appointments to limit how many people are in the facility at the similar time. You may ask in regards to the salon’s disinfecting practices. Is the workers usually wiping down high-contact surfaces? Are chairs and headrests disinfected after they’re used? Is the staff wearing cloth face coverings and repeatedly washing their arms? Are they wearing single-use gloves for nail and facial work? Additionally, look for touchless cost choices.

After I bought residence, I informed my sister what occurred, and she or he relayed the story to her Sri Lankan colleague. He told her that my expertise was a light-weight” one. He knew of people who’d spent hours going through all the museum, only to return out and not using a single reminiscence of what they saw or did in there. When my sister informed me what her colleague had said, I gave due to the powers that be for not giving Xin and me anything more than we may’ve dealt with that day. Sri Lanka is a tremendous, beautiful nation, and each Xin and I can’t wait to go back as soon as the pandemic is over The National Museum, however, will not be on our itinerary. – E.T.…

How To Cope And Reside With Depression?

Travel IdeasAre you a backpacker who likes to travel all over the world? Opioids”—or painkillers, as regular human beings name them—hit the market in the late 1990s. Drug executives at Purdue Frederic later conceded—under oath, in courtroom—that they actively deceived docs by advertising Oxycontin early on as abuse-resistant,” insisting that the variety of users who obtained addicted was lower than one percent.” Some drug firms could have been extra nicely-intentioned—or willfully naïve. Fenatyl, for instance, was marketed as a time-launch” drug that may give patients carefully limited doses of painkillers at protected intervals. Grind it up and take it altogether, although, and it supplies a kick 30 instances more potent than most avenue heroin.

The final time I saw Goldberg, I used to be eating breakfast within the hospital’s basement cafeteria, one hall away from the morgue where bodies are saved, pending transport. It was on the finish of a relatively quiet overnight call shift in late March. She walked in with a coffee, trying calm and recent. The forecast showed rising temperatures. The crust of snow on the sidewalks would soon soften, the times would lengthen, individuals would go away their houses to enjoy the climate. Spring was coming, and the shootings would choose back up.

When was the last time you checked that your car’s tire pressures are alright, or its headlights are clean and likewise in functioning order? With COVID-19 restrictions lifting over Australia it is very easy to only not take into consideration these factors and hit the street. If you happen to’re preparing to trip quickly, this can be very crucial that you just make sure your car is roadtrip prepared, so you’ve got a safe and fulfilling drive. If you happen to’re trying to find some recommendations, the group at Skilled Contact Automotive Detailing Hobart has assembled a checklist. These are merely a few means to help you reach your house safely, so you’ll be able to loosen up, unwind and in addition enjoy some stunning Australian surroundings.

Echoes Alt-proper trolls usually wrap Jewish names inside a triple parentheses. This meme was inspired by a podcast on The Proper Stuff, which used a reverb sound effect to make Jewish names echo nefariously. At one point, an enterprising anti-Semite designed a Google Chrome extension that mechanically “echoed” Jewish names as customers browsed the internet. (Google removed the extension from its Chrome retailer for violating its hate speech coverage.) Troll code To avoid the eye of internet firms when using racial slurs, trolls have developed a lexicon of sorts. They call black people googles,” Jews skypes,” Latinos yahoos” and Asians bings.” Extra not too long ago, they have began to discuss with Muslims as skittles” after a tweet from Donald Trump Jr evaluating Syrian refugees to a bowl of sweet.

By the next morning, Rebekah was breakfasting at Trump’s golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, with the 2 individuals he trusts most, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, to speak through the proposal in additional detail. Inside 4 …

Suggestions To Peacefully Share Your Household Trip Dwelling

Travel IdeasIndia, a spot the place people can not resolve to embark a self-drive holiday. Dad and mom and kids are also grappling with cancelled sports, camps, and actions this summer time , or diminished-capacity daycare centres Parents typically rely on these exercise and care options to maintain children busy, and parents’ time scheduled. This means unscheduled months forward. Some dad and mom undoubtedly will proceed to battle with finding ways to occupy their children.

I have been writing about journey in these pages for more than 20 years, however I must tell you: My household was not a part of the summer migration. We had scheduled a late July California street journey that would mix household visits, coastal sightseeing and school prospecting, about 10 days. However when the case counts jumped and Gov. Gavin Newsom tightened restrictions, we paid attention. We canceled our plans and did a San Diego family weekend instead.

Motto recalled receiving letters that thanked him and his staff for remembering them, whereas one replied, You’ll by no means know what your little notes imply to me.” Even when the subject material was dark—Please call I do not care what time it’s. I love my children but I would like a relaxation as a result of I believe I’m having a nervous breakdown,” a girl wrote in 1973—there was a way of intimacy there.

Cześć Mirabelki i Miraski! Pewnie cześć z was po przeczytaniu tagów pod tym wpisem zastanowi się co u licha łączy # uprawapapryczek i # programowanie Otóż łączy je mój projekt który robię na zaliczenie pracy inżynierskiej. Chciałem aby było to coś co może mi się przydać i połączy się jakoś z moim innym interest.

Tak wiÄ™c przed wyjazdem rozmawiaÅ‚em wiele z Bartkiem, Polakiem mieszkajÄ…cym w Arizonie od wielu lat, u którego cudem znalazÅ‚em pokój do wynajÄ™cia. Bart w ogóle to uważaÅ‚, że takiej jazdy na oczy nie widziaÅ‚, że nie mam pÅ‚aconej stawki minimalnej i żyjÄ™ za friko i pracujÄ™ tyle tygodni (prawie 2 miesiÄ…ce) i nikt siÄ™ mnÄ… nie interesuje. SprawdziÅ‚ przepisy Departamentu Stanu, skontaktowaÅ‚ siÄ™ ze swoim adwokatem i z tego co twierdzÄ…, firma jest mi winna zapÅ‚acić co najmniej $2000 za pobyt i pracÄ™, jakÄ… peÅ‚niÅ‚em w pocie czoÅ‚a, 12 godzin dziennie, w 50 stopniowym sÅ‚oÅ„cu, z 5 kg plecakiem z próbkami na rowerze, po ^30 km dziennie, odwiedzajÄ…c jakieÅ› a hundred rodzin. Też dziennie.…

Google Adds Extra Instruments To Assist You Discover Journey Offers

Travel IdeasA luxury limousine is the proper approach to discover Greenwich, Connecticut. The town of Girona and the province by the same identify are in style journey destinations in Spain. House to the picturesque Costa Brava space of Spain, Girona is renowned for its excellent pure splendour. Vacation in a villa in Girona will take you near the Spanish way of life. The tastefully furnished villas featuring quite a lot of fashionable services are among the many most attractive accommodations for travelers in Girona.

Until lately, not many People knew this term, a catchall for a unfastened confederation of far-proper locos so deviant that a few years in the past they had been in peril of extinction. Then they found Trump. Or Trump discovered them. Now, they are stationed alongside his parapets in a union that represents the most important uptick of white energy exercise in American politics because the Ku Klux Klan’s invisible empire in the Nineteen Twenties. Neo-Nazis do door-knocks for Trump and scream Sieg Heil” outside his rallies And Trump has gone alongside for the experience, retweeting alt-right propaganda and hiring Stephen Bannon, whose Breitbart News Network has change into the most significant transmitter of the movement’s concepts to a mass audience. Thanks to Trump, ethno-nationalism is poised to be a force in American politics for the primary time in a long time.

If it’s not crowded, it might be safe to enjoy a seaside day and not using a mask with a small group, and ideally convey your individual towels, toys, chairs and meals. If it is advisable rent tools, simply ensure that to use a disinfectant wipe.

If you would like to produce your Journey tour secure and secure then undertake the daring exercise of mountaineering and trekking underneath the steerage of any Trekking Company Nepal. The guides of the company are skilled and are experts in such activities and can help you recognize such adventuresome video games securely and safely. They have an extended expertise. They’re aware of the potential hazard and can guide you so. They take intensive security measures to make your experience journey secure. On this way, they’re going to help you to benefit from the most from Peak Climbing Nepal. They may even take you to all of such places that are attention-grabbing and adventurous. It’s nicely worth informing you that undertake the daring exercise based on capability. If you don’t have highly effective physical endurance, do not proceed to excessively excessive peaks.

While extra folks opt for journey by automotive and private transport , the variety of passengers that trains and buses can carry has additionally been reduced to fulfill social distancing pointers. Because of this people from totally different households should keep one to 2 metres aside. So, once a seat is taken, surrounding seats have to be left empty.…

Suggestions For Saving Cash On Condominium Leases

Travel IdeasTravel to Latin America for Carnival and experience a as soon as in a lifetime celebration. Jeżeli uważasz, że 15 dziennie to za dużo, możesz uczyć się swoim tempem. W Anki można ustawić ile nowych słów ma się pojawiać dziennie. Juan Maldacena i Aleksiej Milochin pokazali, że w jednym z wariantów modelu Randall-Sundruma możliwe jest istnienie tuneli czasoprzestrzennych przemierzalnych przez człowieka.

This is not the first time Meghan’s smart journey ideas have been shared publicly. Back in her pre-royal days, Meghan posted a few additional travel tips on her now shuttered way of life web site, The Tig. When politicians take cash from megadonors, there are strings connected. However with the reclusive duo who propelled Trump into the White Home, there is a fuse.

Inform your father and paternal figures in your life how a lot you appreciate them, love them and care about them with your personal personalised stationery. Jeśli ktoś tutaj leci w tym roku i ma jakieś pytania to możecie śmiało się ze mną kontaktować. Jednak po wejściu w artykuł dowiadujemy się, że chodzi tu podatek cyfrowy. Który nie został w polsce wprowadzony.

Jack Whitehall: Travels with my Father : Jovial comedian Jack Whitehall and his stuffy father, Michael, take unusual and amusing trips to international lands in an try to strengthen their bond. Ni chuja, wiele razy prosiłem ustnie, bez skutku. Wczoraj zaniosłem grzecznie pismo, w którym napisałem mniej wiecej to co tutaj, to zostałem zapytany co to jest, czemu pisze taki bullshit i ze jak mi sie grafik nie podoba to moge odejść.

Detroit – to bardziej oglądasz niż w to grasz, ale bardzo satysfakcjonujące, wizualne arcydzieło, fabularnie na wysokim poziomie, ale jak jesteś fanem wartkiej akcji to może nie trafić. Sytuacja jest dla mnie tym bardziej śmieszna, że polskie “hau hau”, które robi pies, to angielskie “woof woof”.…