Why go to Amsterdam?

Do you happen to be in Amsterdam at the moment? Or are you planning to visit the beautiful city of Amsterdam? Then you might want to check out what you can do in this beautiful city. Amsterdam is a wonderful city with a rich history and a beautiful culture. The city has several canals surrounded by historic and beautiful canal houses. There are plenty of things to do in Amsterdam, but the city is best known for its museums. There are the well-known museums, such as the Rijksmuseum and the Van Gogh Museum. Yet, there are other museums that don’t quite belong in this list, such as the Moco museum. What is the Moco museum, and what can you see there? In this article, we will elaborate on this, so you will know more about it.

Amsterdam museum: the Moco museum

You can find several Amsterdam museum, but the Moco museum is special. This is because it is not normal art, but street art. The Moco museum is known for its artworks, which are made by street artists. It is one of the most beautiful museums of this moment, and it exists only 3 years. Many young people also visit the Moco museum, and it can be found in the heart of Amsterdam. It is located in a monumental villa at the Museumplein in Amsterdam. There are many detailed works of art to be found in the Moco museum, and every year there are new works of art to be admired. However, there are permanent artworks and often there are temporary exhibitions. Would you like to visit this museum? Then you should buy a ticket in advance because chances are it’s already pretty busy.

Activities in Amsterdam

Besides visiting museums, there are also other fun activities you can do. As mentioned earlier, Amsterdam has many canals, and you can make use of them. You can rent a boat and take your family out on the water. Take your family out on the water and enjoy the beautiful historic buildings. A beautiful view and quality time with your family. When you have finished sailing, you can find a cosy restaurant in the area of the canals. There are many small streets near the canals and there are many restaurants here. Take a good look on the internet and check which restaurants are in the area. You can also read reviews from previous customers to get a better idea.